Friday, August 15, 2008

Best Virtual Assistant Tips

Have you ever wondered how many niche markets the virtual assistant works with?

Research shows that currently there are over 2,000 virtual assistants. With this many virtual assistants working all over the world the question has been asked -

"Exaclty what is their niche?"

"What services do virtual assistants offer within that niche?"

Each one of us offer services in either a specific niche, such as me - I only offer real estate virtual assistant services to the real estate industry. But, there are virtual assistants that offer their services to many industries based on their talent, knowledge and experience.

A virtual assistant might offer their services to real estate professionals, business coaches, lawyers, etc.

What services do you offer your niche market?
How many niches do you have?
If you were to offer one tip on that niche market what would it be?

Have you ever asked these same questions? Well, now it is time to find out!

I am putting together a survey on this very topic. If you are interested in participating in what will sure to be an incredible survey here is what you need to send me by September 1, 2008.

1. What is your niche market? If you work in more than one, list each niche.

2. For each niche market you work with share an amazing tip.

Once I compile this information you will be contacted to how this survey will be distributed and for participating you will receive recognition for your input. What a win-win situation!

So, what are you waiting for? Be one of the first virtual assistants to participate in a very important survey that will surely impact our industry!

Email me your information NOW! - and make sure to include:

Full name
Email address
Physical address
Phone number - Best one to contact you, if we have any questions.

This is going to be a very exciting survery and one that I know will benefit each virtual assistant, as well as the industry they offer their services.

Get involved and email me today. Deadline will be September 1, 2008


Anonymous said...

nice article.virtual assistant could really give aide to those people that have more tasks than everybody else. availing this virtual assisting could get your life run a little smoother.
nice concept on being a VA. having the ability to know the job that’s prescribed by your employer is a good thing. Being a VA for me simply means being a online secretary.

Keep on posting!
Virtual Assistant Services

Unknown said...

It really is a field with a broad range of description. But one thing is for sure and that is Virtual assitants do have a variety of skills and knowledge.

hire a virtual assistant

Jethro said...

Great information you have here regarding virtual assistant niche. Mostly, virtual assistant can be hire from freelancing sites like, and some hire from job sites like However, if you are hiring from job sites you can’t assure that the person you hire is capable to work with the tasks. A quick tip when hiring a virtual assistant is to give a short test related to the job that is also a good way to test not only their written English but also their problem solving skills. Here is an article regarding hiring on job sites could be a mistake for your business.