Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Latest In Search Engines

Ok, this is pretty cool. Go to and sign up to use the beta version of this very neat way to search the Internet.

It is a virtual search engine and from what I hear from those in the know this is the new way to search the web.

It has played havoc on my website - - I am not even in the top 20 even though I have bee in the #2 spot on Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc for over 3 years now. But, I have my web designer and SEO expert on the job to get me ranked higher.

Check it out - it reminds me of the screen that is similar to the iPhone. :D

Make it a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Official Google Reader Blog: Reader and ARIA: A new way to read

Official Google Reader Blog: Reader and ARIA: A new way to read

IRS - March 29, 2008 A Day To Get The Help You Need

I don't know about anyone else, but my son who is 21 and for the first time filing a tax return on his own is very excited to know that when he files his 2007 tax return this will make him eligible to receive the $600.00 check from the government. With him returning to college after taking a year off "to find himself" he sure will need it. Not to mention the IRS Tax Refund check he will receive from his tax return. He is very excited and I think it really has helped him to do all this on his own - He is getting a dose of what it is like to be an adult and responsibilites this title holds. LOL!

If you are like him not knowing which return to use, not knowing what deductions to take, etc., then are you in for a treat!

The IRS has set aside March 29th "Super Saturday" just for you! You can get the help you need - finally.

There will be approximately 320 IRS offices providing FREE help in preparing a simple 1040A for those who are filing solely to receive their stimulus payment.

Even IRS partners will be opening their doors to offer you FREE help as well.

If you are a new virtual assistant or small business owner and do not have the resources to have a CPA do your tax return then you should take advantage of this offer and let the IRS help you to determine which form is right for you, what deductions you can take, etc.

My first year of business as a real estate virtual assistant I hired H&R Block to help me and it really paid off. Now, I have a bookkeeper and a CPA to make sure my finances are in order and IRS approved.

You can get more information on Super Saturday at - These are your tax dollars at work - so take advantage of it or if you know someone that needs help tell them!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Be Your Best As A Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Are you sitting there wondering what you can do to improve your business as a real estate virtual assistant?

The first thing to do is look at your client base. Are you offering them the best services as possible? Review your clients programs to make sure you are using everything possible that program offers and let your client know what you are doing.

Whether you are a virtual assistant or a real estate virtual assistant you should have your clients using all the FREE programs possible. Here are some of those programs your real estate clients should be taking advantage of - right now!

Point 2 Agent- This program offers a FREE standard site. You can create a home page, etc., but the cool thing about the program is your real estate client can advertise their properties for free - unless a paying real estate agent has purchased the neighborhood.

You can do handshakes with other agents so their listings show up on your clients site.

As a virtual assistant specializing in real estate this is a tool that your clients will love and their sellers will appreciate the additional exposure.

Postlets - This program is free as well. As a virtual assistant you can create a flyer - so to speak - for your real estate agents listings and then submit it for free to various real estate submission sites - such as Trulia, Google Base, Zillow, Oodle, Backpage, Vast, Hot Pads, Kijiji and most important - Craigslist.

You can also take the mini postlets - shown below and add to the real estate client's newsletter, blog, etc.

As a real estate virtual assistant you can also set up and monitor your real estate agents blog. Blogger is a free program and so is Word Press.

As a virtual assistant, if you don't have a blog - you should, so when you have time - post a blog on your business.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Have You Signed Up For Earth Hour!

On March 29, 2008 at 8:00 PM you can be involved in taking a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced – global warming.

Get involved in this world-wide event by turning off ALL your lights for one hour. This means turn off everything! Computers, modems, monitors, outside lights, inside lights, etc.

Get your community or business involved – you could make a huge difference and at the same time be part of something we all agree on. Just think when you turn off your lights someone in Melbourne is doing the same thing. If you think about it – that is kind of cool!

At this writing over 12,000 businesses are involved.
At this writing over 189,456 individuals are involved.

Sign up NOW!Want to learn more about Earth Hour?

Want more information - go to

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Are You Going Green?

In today’s society we are hearing more and more about global warming and that we must take action now in order to save the earth for future generations.

As research has shown we have a small window to make a difference and we need to act now. We live in a society that does not look into the future, we live in the present. This is a known fact. So, if we are a society that does indeed in live the present, then we need to challenge ourselves to begin looking into the future, if not for us but for our children and our children’s children.

By just making a few changes in our life style we can each make a difference and if each one of us just choose one or two things to help the global warming problem can you imagine what a difference we can make together? HUGE! So, take a few minutes to visit the following links to see how you and your family can begin the process of Going Green.

By teaching the children of today, they will develop compassion to make it a priority to keep our earth safe for future generations.

Interesting fact:

Virtual Assistants are going green everyday! How do we do this?

We do not pollute our air with carbon monoxide
Spend money on gas commuting
Save trees by using electronic files as opposed to paper files
Use artificial lighting
Use recycled materials
Travel is not expected

Little did we know that we were already helping our precious environment by going Virtual!
Visit the following links on more information on global warming and to learn how to GO GREEN!

Global Warming
Fight Global Warming
The Day After Tomorrow
How To Go Green
10 Tips To Go Green
10 Way to Go Green at Work
Go Green Program for the workplace
iGo GreenGo Green Shopping
GMC Goes Green

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's a Great Time To Be a Virtual Assistant

When you listen to the news lately all they talk about is how bad our economy is right now. They always want to make everything sound so bleak.

I am hear to tell you, being a virtual assistant now is the best time! Those companies that are downsizing still need assistance and when they work with a virtual assistant their overhead drops and so do their expenses.

If you are considering the virtual assistant industry as a career you would be smart to get going now. On an average it takes 12 months to launch your business, land the clients and to get established.

The start up costs is minimal and rewards are wonderful!

This afternoon, I left my office at 2:30 to go watch my boy's (16 and 17) play their first district baseball game. I had my day planner and PDA in hand. Checked the PDA in-between innings and was there in mind, body and soul to cheer my kids on to a 13-1 win! Go Jackets!

I did realize that the hour drive I would have benefitted by having a voice recorder, so called hubby who was coming home from a business trip and asked him to pick me up one, so I could record my ideas and thoughts while I travel with the team. It will be great! Alone in my car with my voice recorder. Now, I will never forget that wonderful idea I had then forgot it! I am a true example of what a virtual assistant is and loving every minute of it!

Virtual Assistants 5 Tips to Success

Are you new to the virtual assistant industry? Really trying to figure things out can be tiring on the brain and since I have walked in your shoes I am offering you a FREE report - 5 Great Tips Every Virtual Assistant should know and use when starting or building their business.

Don't let your business work you - You need to work your business. Get it today! You will be glad you did and hopefully you will thank me for it!

Have a great day!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Great IRS Information

Good morning to everyone!

I subscribe to a great FREE newsletter from the IRS. It offers some very good tips for your business and keeps you informed of the latest tax issues. Check it out:,,id=154820,00.html

Today I received my newsletter and it offered the following article: Hopefully, you will find it valuable.


If you have a gain from the sale or exchange of your main home, you may be able to exclude all or part of the gain from your income.

Individuals may be able to exclude up to $250,000 of capital gain, and married taxpayers filing joint returns may be able to exclude up to $500,000 of gain each time you sell your main home, but generally no more frequently than once every two years.

To qualify for this exclusion of gain, you must meet ownership and use tests.

Ownership Test: During the 5-year period ending on the date of the sale, you must have owned the home for at least 2 years.

Use Test: During the 5-year period ending on the date of the sale, you must have lived in the home as your main home at least 2 years.

If you and your spouse file a joint return for the year of the sale, you can exclude the gain if either of you qualify for the exclusion. But both of you would have to meet the use test to claim the $500,000 maximum amount.

If you do not meet the ownership and use tests, you may be allowed to exclude a reduced maximum amount of the gain realized on the sale of your home if you sold your home because of health reasons, a change in place of employment, or certain unforeseen circumstances.

Unforeseen circumstances include, for example, divorce or legal separation, natural or man-made disasters resulting in a casualty to your home, or an involuntary conversion of your home.
If you can exclude all the gain from the sale of your home, you do not report the gain on your federal tax return. If you cannot exclude all the gain from the sale of your home, or you choose not to, use Schedule D, Capital Gains and Losses, of the Form 1040 to report it.

For more details and information see IRS Publication 523, Selling Your Home, available at or by calling 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676).

Remember that for the genuine IRS Web site be sure to use .gov. Don't be confused by internet sites that end in .com, .net, .org or other designations instead of .gov. The address of the official IRS governmental Web site is

Publication 523, Selling Your Home (PDF 194K)
Schedule D, Capital Gains and Losses (PDF 136K)
Tax Topic 701 - Sale of Your Home

Saturday, March 01, 2008

The First Real Estate Virtual Assistant Handbook

I am just tickled PINK to announce that my new eBook called The Real Estate Virtual Assistant Handbook is now available!

If you are in business now as a Real Estate Virtual Assistant or if you are considering a Niche in Real Estate Virtual Assistance then this is the Handbook you need!

The FIRST Real Estate Vitual Assistant Handbook offers you some of the most detailed information on what it takes to work with real estate agents! Including 15 sample forms! Why re-create the wheel – It is all in this ebook!

This is the FIRST and ONLY ebook that is dedicated to helping you understand what a Real Estate Virtual Assistant can do and the expectations of real estate agents!

Anna Baron of The Virtual Link had this to say about Kim Hughes:

Kim Hughes is one of the most well-known and well respected real estate virtual assistants in the industry. She's like the E.F. Hutton of the real estate virtual assistant industry - when Kim talks, VAs listen!
Get it TODAY!