Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Working Smarter - Not Harder!

Everywhere we turn today we are hearing about a negative economy. Gas prices are soaring, groceries are outrageous, prescriptions - well need I say more?

If you find that your company is downsizing - AGAIN and your future is insecure then you might want to look at the virtual assistant industry. We are growing stronger everyday. Take a look at the positives of a virtual assistant.

1. Being able to stay home and raise your family the way you see fit, not someone else. Right here you are saving money by not giving to your child care provider.

2. Save money on gas and maintenance on your vechicle - I cannot tell you how much money I save each week just in this area. Today gas prices in Mineola, Texas is $3.45 per galloon. By working from home you only need to use your car for running errands, take the kids to school and for pleasure. Not to mention doing your part in saving the environment!

3. Time Management - You will save at least 2 hours a day by working from home. What can you do with 2 additional hours per day?

4. Being self-employed is SECURITY - never having to wonder if you are going to get that pink slip. You are in control of your destiny.

I could go on with all the benefits of becoming a virtual assistant, but you get the point. This industry not only provides you with a secure future, but also allows you to run your life the way you see fit.

Even if you have never had your own business, it is not hard to set up as long as you have the right attitude, skills, knowledge and desire. The key is to look for those that are successful in their virtual assistant business and then model your business with the same principals.

Are you ready to take the next step in achieving your goals? Let me know - I would love to hear from you.

1 comment:

Christine Buffaloe said...

I’m so glad you mentioned virtual assistants. I am a VA and one of the things I stress to my clients is when you are freed from administrative tasks, you can do what you do best and not be mired in daily tasks that hold you back.
One really great product for those of you thinking of hiring a VA is