Thursday, May 25, 2006

Virtual Friendships

The Internet is a crazy thing! When I was first introduced to a computer, I was like "what?" Then when I was introduced to the mouse I thought "I will never be able to use this darn thing!" That was 16 years ago and now I have my own business all based on the Internet.

I remember back in 1999 thinking only rich people had computers, and at that time they were. Then the more I read about them I begged my husband to let me take the IRS Refund Check to buy me one so I could figure out a way to make money and stay home with the kids. I was already a stay-at-home mom, but times were tough and I knew that I was going to have to do something and soon.

Ok, so he gives me the check and off I went to Dallas to buy my first computer. I paid $1,700.00 and I was so excited. Of course, had not idea how to put one together, but I managed. lol! Took me three days!

Once I was up and running I knew there had to be a way to build a business on Internet. I remember staying up all night surfing the Internet. When one day I came across a virtual assistant article. Then I went to a VA organization and joined immediately. Then I thought what was the best way to get information and that was to find another VA who would be willing to share their knowledge. Well, I found her and with one phone call. We talked for about an hour and I was so excited to meet someone that would share. You don't find that in Corporate America!

The person I spoke to was Anna Baron of the Anna was so willing to help me get started. She taught how to set up my IM on MSN and boy was that a mistake. lol! I drove her crazy with questions. But, she was always there for me and no matter how stupid the question she answered it and then walked me through how to set everything up.

I remember her telling me to use Outlook. At the time I was on dial up with AOL and thought I was so smart. Well, once I learned how to use Outlook I was well on my way.

Anna and I have been friends for 6 years now and I know that I would not be where I am today if it had not been for her generous time to teach me how to start working from home.

We have shared so much with each other over the years - We share stories of our children, husbands, exteneded families and have been there for each other in our lowest - saddest times and in out most joyous times. We have shared our first born's graduation, which was the same year to crying over them leaving for college.

We have shared stories about our families that we probably would not share with anyone else. Knowing that the other would not judge.

So, if you don't think that a good friendship cannot be found on the Internet, think again. Even though we live 2 hours from each other our lives keep us so busy that we just can't seem to get together, even though I go shopping about once a month near her home.

Anna, your the best and I am so blessed to have you as a friend and mentor!!!!!

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