Monday, January 23, 2006

Where Does The Time Go?

Well, since my last post, I have been through alot. Some funny, some sad and some in-between.

Sad - In November my husband lost his brother at the age of 48. How sad to watch someone die because of drugs! What a wasted life.

Sad and Funny - Then right before Thanksgiving my husband was in the pasture counting the heads of cattle and he ran over my big black dog - Duece! OH! She is fine, but dislocated her hip and had to have it popped back in. Scared me to death. She is such a big dumb dog, but I love her to death! She was born in our garage on Thanksgiving Day 3 years ago and she has been here every since. She is the sweetest thing and would not hurt a hair on your head, but boy does she have a bark and when the courier guys show up they are scared to death of her - she is black as well and standing on her hind legs she is 5 feet and 5 inches. But, I tell them the worst thing she would do would be to lick them to death. lol! So, she is fine now and happy as ever.

Just plain funny - Ok, so we have Thanksgiving and right before Christmas my grandmother got so mad at my grandfather she threatened divorce. They are in the late 80's! Can you imagine. lol! Of course, she was all talk and the next day she was fine, but we all drove to their home to figure out what made her so mad. HA! She could not remember the next day. Go figure! God I love them so much and they just make me laugh at the situations they face right now and I know I don't have much more time with them. I should find time to spend the day and help them more.

Happy, Sad and ??? - So, Phillip comes home from college. Eric and Stephen are out for the holiday's and life is good. Then BAM! We find out that Phillip did not do so hot in his first semester of school. From the way I see it - it is a learning experience for freshman that first semester and they have to figure out their priorities and take responsibility. I think he has it now, but the other blow was that he wants to change his major! WHAT? So, now he wants to coach baseball instead of go into broadcasting. Ok, I know it's his life and I am really trying to keep my mouth shut! :D

Of course Happy - Eric and Stephen enjoyed being home for the holiday. Sleeping late, hanging out with friends, etc.

Funny - Then New Year's Eve - Eric had some friends over and they brought in the new year! How fun to watch a bunch of 15 year's celebrate.

Happy - Now everyone is back in school and it is nice to have the house to myself again during the day so I can concentrate on my clients. I stayed up many night during the holidays to work, but that is my choice and I am so thankful to have that choice to make.

Happy - OH! I also just returned from the Allen F. Hainge CyberStar Summit in San Antonio a couple of weeks ago. GREAT PEOPLE, GREAT ORGANIZATION!

Happy - And, finally - Paul took Eric, Stephen and myself to see Bon Jovi in concert in Dallas! WOW! What a great time that was.

Back in the saddle again - So, now I am settled and working hard, but preparing for baseball season. Eric will start JV this year and it is going to be exciting! I already have laptop, aircard and cell phone ready for traveling.

Happy New Year!

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